
Allergy Drops

Adult & Pediatric Allergy and Immunology services offered in Houston, TX
Allergy Drops

Allergy Drops services offered in Houston, TX

Allergy drops can be more convenient and comfortable for adults and kids with chronic allergies. At Complete Allergy and Asthma, skilled immunologists Niti Chokshi, MD, and   Brian Tison, MD, specialize in customized allergy drops for people allergic to grasses, pollen, dust mites, and other environmental substances. The providers offer in-office allergy tests and comprehensive health evaluations to determine if allergy drops are the treatment for you. Call the Houston, Texas, office to schedule a consultation for allergy drops or book an appointment online today.

Allergy Drops Q&A

What are allergy drops?

Allergy drops, or sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), are an alternative to injections and oral medication to treat environmental allergies.

This noninvasive therapy reduces your immune system’s response to pollen and other environmental allergens, preventing sneezing, watery eyes, and other allergy symptoms.

Complete Allergy and Asthma offers personalized treatment plans for children and adults using allergy drops. During a comprehensive health evaluation, the providers determine if you’re a candidate for allergy drops.

When should I consider allergy drops?

Allergy drops gradually reduce the frequency and severity of your allergy symptoms. The drops are effective in people who experience allergic reactions to environmental substances like:

  • Grasses
  • Trees
  • Weeds
  • Mold
  • Feathers
  • Cat and dog dander
  • Dust mites

You should schedule an evaluation at Complete Allergy and Asthma if you suffer from seasonal or chronic allergies that can’t be managed with medication. You can also meet with the allergy specialists to discuss treatment with allergy drops if you’re not a candidate for or aren’t interested in allergy shots.

The providers offer on-site allergy tests to identify the source of your symptoms and determine if allergy drops will work for you.

How do allergy drops work?

Allergy drops are a sublingual (under the tongue) therapy. You place the drops under your tongue as directed by your Complete Allergy and Asthma specialist. They specially formulate your allergy drops based on your allergies so that you can treat several allergies at the same time.

Typically, you must use the drops once a day. Your daily dose of allergy drops is initially diluted, but over time, you increase to full-strength drops. After the buildup phase, you begin the maintenance phase, taking the same drop dosage daily.

Many people notice a reduction in their allergy symptoms within 4-6 months. The providers continue to monitor your progress with treatment to ensure that immunotherapy is working. They can adjust the dosage as needed.

Because it takes time for your immune system to change its reaction to allergens, you can expect to continue taking daily allergy drops for 3-5 years to receive the therapy’s full benefit.

Call Complete Allergy and Asthma today to learn if allergy drops are right for you. You can also book a consultation online.